Presenter requirements

CE for the SOUL is a hands-on retreat for licensed professional women. We require that presenters:
are licensed in their respective fields or have ten years’ experience in their field
have experience presenting to others
are a dynamic speaker
Presenters must provide their curriculum including but not limited to:
Learning Objectives of the program
Content Level
Audience (i.e., licensures or professionals)
CE credits expected (3 credits minimum)
We further request that presenters do not rely on PowerPoint presentations (or the like) but rather are able to speak from their heart about the topics they are providing continuing education credits on. However, should a PowerPoint type presentation be necessary to keep you on track, each slide may not have more than ten (10) words per slide. The idea behind this is we want everyone to be involved and learn and enjoy. There is no fun in being read to (unless you're my grandson)!
If you have a published book, CE for the SOUL will purchase the book for each participant.
CE topics should be up-to-date, relevant and interesting to our audience.
Presenters should have a set of ten questions for a pre-survey and a set of ten questions for a post survey to evaluate whether participants learning objectives were met.
Questions, curriculum, and i) – iv) must be provided to our Director of Continuing Education or the CEO at least six weeks prior to the start date of the retreat. If a PowerPoint type presentation is required, you must reach out to our Director of Logistics & Operations at least four weeks prior to the start date of the retreat. Have a great time!